Events (newer to older)
Mexico yoga & surf retreat with Chelle Swierz & Tina Templeman

Mexico yoga & surf retreat with Chelle Swierz & Tina Templeman

Here you can place the description of upcoming event. Tell about location, type of the event, advantages people will gain attending it. Also tell about instructors and lectors. Yoga is…

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Hanuman Yoga Festival: Boulder, CO

Hanuman Yoga Festival: Boulder, CO

Yoga does not remove us from the reality or responsibilities of everyday life but rather places our feet firmly and resolutely in the practical ground of experience. We don't transcend…

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Yoga Retreat at the Terme Manzi Hotel: Island of Ischia, Italy

Yoga Retreat at the Terme Manzi Hotel: Island of Ischia, Italy

Yoga is a science, and not a vague dreamy drifting or imagining. It is an applied science, a systematized collection of laws applied to bring about a definite end. It…

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Yogadance 101: A Series of 5 classes with Theresa Elliott

Yogadance 101: A Series of 5 classes with Theresa Elliott

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India. There is a broad variety of schools, practices and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism. The best-known are…

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Summer Solstice in Times Square: New York, NY

Summer Solstice in Times Square: New York, NY

Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way. With yoga, we become aware of how and where we…

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Wanderlust Yoga Festival: Stratton, VT

Wanderlust Yoga Festival: Stratton, VT

What yoga philosophy and all the great Buddhist teachings tells us is that solidity is a creation of the ordinary mind and that there never was anything permanent to begin…

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Menla Mountain Retreat Center: Catskills, NY

Menla Mountain Retreat Center: Catskills, NY

The word yoga comes from Sanskrit, the language of ancient India. It means union, integration, or wholeness. It is an approach to health that promotes the harmonious collaboration of the…

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Yoga Classes for Discover Outdoors

Yoga Classes for Discover Outdoors

These days, my practice is teaching me to embrace imperfection: to have compassion for all the ways things haven't turned out as I planned, in my body and in my…

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Yoga Tree Castro & Yoga Tree Potrero: San Francisco, CA

Yoga Tree Castro & Yoga Tree Potrero: San Francisco, CA

n truth, it matters less what we do in practice than how we do it and why we do it. The same posture, the same sequence, the same meditation with…

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